Code of Ethics
A Code of Ethics is a set of principles that provide all Members of the College (and those preparing to enter the profession) with direction and guidance in responsible conduct, and ethical and moral behaviour in professional practice. Chiropodists and Podiatrists are responsible for adhering to and promoting ethical practice within the framework of the Scope of Practice which states that:
“The practice of chiropody is the assessment of the foot and the treatment and prevention of diseases, disorders or dysfunctions of the foot by therapeutic, orthotic or palliative means.”
The principles of ethical conduct include:
- Accountability
- Confidentiality
- Consent
- Dignity
- Effective communication
- Integrity
- Sensitivity to diversity
- Trust
The Code of Ethics reflects the profession’s commitment to use its knowledge, skill and expertise to promote the highest level of Chiropody/Podiatry practice to all members of society.
For those outside the profession, the code helps instill confidence in the profession and serves as a concrete reminder of the high standards of ethical conduct that are synonymous with the practice of Chiropody and Podiatry.
A Code of Ethics is a critical element of Complaints, Discipline and Quality Assurance programs. It is essential that all registrants are knowledgeable about the contents of this document.
Obligations/Responsibilities to the Public
Obligations/Responsibilities to the Public
The public is entitled to safe effective and ethical care performed by knowledgeable, skilled, accountable practitioners in accordance with the professional standards of the College.
Each member will provide individualized comprehensive and safe care, recognizing the patient’s particular needs, and respecting their cultural background. The member shall not abuse a patient physically, sexually, psychologically, emotionally, or financially or participate in any arrangement that could be considered as a conflict of interest.
The Registrant shall:
- Commit to the highest level of professional efficacy through the maintenance and application of current relevant knowledge and skill.
- Uphold the principle of informed consent pursuant to current legislation, including the patient’s right to choose from a full range of options for treatment.
- Record and update all patient information strategies and test results, maintaining the privacy of all clinical records.
- Demonstrate respect for the physical, emotional well-being of a patient.
- Not provide services when impaired by alcohol, drugs or any other substances or any illness that could put patients at risk.
- Not provide patient services while the member is in a conflict of interest.
- Treat all patients equitably and with respect.
- Communicate complete, accurate information clearly to the patient through verbal, non-verbal and /or written material while establishing a feedback process to ensure individual understanding.
- Recognize that a patient has the right to accept or reject any Chiropodist/Podiatrist and/or any care recommended.
- Not exploit any relationship that furthers his or her own physical, psychological, emotional, financial, and political or business interest.
- Maintain a respectful relationship with members of the public in order to facilitate awareness and understanding of the profession of Chiropody/Podiatry.
- Not recommend unnecessary procedures, or bill a patient excessively in relation to the services or devices provided, or cause a patient to be billed for any professional service not rendered.
- Refer or assist patients to find another regulated health professional when the condition or the status of the patient falls outside his or her scope of practice, education or experience.
Obligations/Responsibilities to the Registrant
Obligations/Responsibilities to the Registrant
Each registrant must perform/act/function in accordance within the scope, authorized acts and standards of practice of the College, (including regulations, guidelines and policies) within the individual’s level of competence. The registrant must continually update professional knowledge and skills relevant to their area of practice. A registrant shall collaborate with professionals and others as appropriate to enhance their patients’ care.
The Registrant shall:
- Provide competent ethical services to patients ensuring that Quality Assurance requirements of the College are met.
- Participate in professional development, continuing education and integrate relevant learning into their practice.
- Maintain current knowledge of legislation relevant to their scope of practice and their authorized acts.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the advances in research and incorporate established results into practice.
- Inform the College when an injury or dependency, infectious condition or any other serious incapacity affects or may affect, over time, the member’s continuing ability to practice safely and competently.
- Develop and maintain professional collaborative relationships and exchange knowledge and information as required in the interest of a patient’s health while respecting patient confidentiality and legislation related to consent to treatment.
- Acknowledge a patient’s right to consult with other health professionals.
- Act at all times with regard and respect for peers and other health professionals and not discredit the Chiropody/Podiatry profession or fellow practitioners.
Obligations/Responsibilities to the Profession
Obligations/Responsibilities to the Profession
The College expects the Registrant to maintain the Standards of Practice and conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner. Registrants are obligated to comply with the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA), the Chiropody Act, 1991 and the Regulations, By-laws, standards, guidelines, policies and procedures of the College, and as required, to maintain and continually improve professional competency that will ensure the delivery of safe quality service.
The Registrant shall:
- Recognize that self-regulation is a privilege and that each registrant has a continuing responsibility to merit the retention of the privilege.
- Maintain professional integrity and conduct all professional activities, programs and relations honestly and responsibly.
- Report any alleged unethical conduct, incompetent, unsafe practice or abuse of a patient by a health care provider to the appropriate College and/or authority.
- Maintain awareness of the RHPA, The Chiropody Act 1991, College Regulations, By-laws, standards, guidelines, policies and procedures and comply with the same.
- Co-operate with College investigations and/ or inquiries into the professional misconduct of any registrant/member of a regulated health profession.
- Assist other Chiropodists/ Podiatrists and health care professionals as requested or needed.
- Refrain from engaging in behaviour that could be construed as harassment or abuse of colleagues, associates, or employees.