Guidelines for Registrants

Declaring Clinical Practice Hours

The following guideline was developed by the College to assist members in understanding the number of hours required to declare currency of practice to ensure that only members with recent clinical practice can continue to practice unrestricted.

Fees, Billing and Accounts Guideline

The following guideline was created by the College to assist members in understanding their legal and professional responsibilities in relation to fees, billings, and accounts.


The following guidelines have been developed by the College to assist members in their understanding of the Advertising Regulation outlining some basic principles and the advertising responsibilities for all the health regulatory Colleges.

Compression Stockings

The College of Chiropodists of Ontario acknowledges that many members prescribe and fit compression stockings as part of an integrated treatment plan for their patients. Members are reminded that whatever modality or plan they use in the treatment of their patients, it should come within the scope of practise of chiropody as defined in the Chiropody Act and be provided in accordance with the requirements found in the College’s Regulations, and in a manner consistent with the professional and ethical standards of practice which members of this College are expected to meet.

Dealing with Office Medical Emergencies in the Podiatry and Chiropody Office Setting

Podiatrists and Chiropodists should be aware that acute and potentially life-threatening medical emergencies can and do occur in the office setting. Accordingly, all offices should be prepared for these unfortunate and often unpredictable events with the goal of effectively managing these patients until care can be appropriately transferred to trained medical emergency personnel.

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy

The College has received several inquiries over the years about whether members are allowed to use extracorporeal shock wave therapy in their practice. For this reason the following guidelines were created.

Guide to the Health Care Consent Act for Chiropodists and Podiatrists

The following guidelines have been developed by the College to assist members in their understanding of key areas of the Health Care Consent Act.

Guidelines for the Safe Use of Lasers by Members

The use of lasers by Members is expanding, as the use of medical lasers has greatly enhanced and expanded treatment modalities, but with it comes a risk of harm to the patient, staff, and members. Patient and staff safety is of paramount importance. The purpose of this document is to ensure that Members stay current and informed of the best practices, follow proper protocols and procedures, and ensure the safety of their patients.

Guidelines for Suspension

The College of Chiropodists of Ontario (the “College”) has created this guideline to outline the responsibilities of suspended registrants of the College whose certificate of registration has been suspended. This Guideline applies to administrative suspensions (including suspensions for non-payment of fees) and suspensions ordered by a Committee of the College.

Restriction of the title "Doctor"

The Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 contains a restriction on the use of the title “doctor”. Under the Act five regulated professions are authorized to use the title: chiropractors, dentists, optometrists, physicians and psychologists.

Subtalar Joint Arthroereisis Procedure

Subtalar Joint Arthroereisis (“STJA”) formally known as Extraosseous Subtalar Joint Implant Procedure, (“ESJIP”) is a surgical procedure designed to limit excessive pronatory motion within the subtalar joint. The main indication for this procedure is flexible pes planus (“Flexible Flatfoot”).

Treating Incapable Patients

The following guidelines have been developed by the College to assist members in their discussion with persons deemed incapable in situations where the emergency treatment provisions of the Act do not apply.
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